The cache is hard to explain, its best to see it, but I wouldn't want to spoil it with a picture.
Since I started working; There has always been this neat old locker next to the fridge in the community room at the library. If I remember correctly, when I started, it was locked, and Mr. Schneider had misplaced the keys. Or that is what someone told me, I will have to ask him.
Anyways, the locker is tall and narrow, and has 10 drawers. Each labeled from top to bottom.
Each locker has a ribbon tied to the slit and with a key on the end. That key sits in the locker lock, and each one contains random things you may need. Except number three. Number three's key is missing. The key can be found on a strange looking magnet hanging on the right side of cabinet. Just hanging there.
Turn the key, open the door. On the inside part of the door, there is an orange paper.
The paper reads:
The Food Cache
Take something, Leave something.
And now, for some some predictable questions.
Why Three?I have always liked three, I like lists of threes, I have two brothers, making it three boys, I like titles with three. But more importantly, it is near eye level for "everyone" on staff. lol. There also was a cool set of peaches and pairs in there. I've yet to find out who put them in there originally.
Why a key?
Who doesn't like a challenge?
What if you loose the key?
I made a copy.
What kind of magnet is this thing?
It came from a hard drive. Cool huh!
When did you put this here?
I stocked the cache with $20.30 of food on Monday, January 26th.
Why that date?
Because it was a Monday, I got off at two, and my plans were cancelled. So I walked to the store, drove to ace, gave it a name, and avoided my test. Oh did I mention I was procrastinating from my leadership test with Vicki?
So you put food in a drawer?
No, I put food in a locker that had no other purpose, because after they finished changing the light bulbs, and it was midnight, Wyatt Muether wanted a snack, and we looked through all of the 10 drawers, and found nothing appetizing. I told him I always wanted a place full of snacks..
He said- "Then Do It."
Where did the idea start?
Mr. Schneider, somewhat, he used to bring bags of snacks. And just leave them in the back there for anyone who was hungry. Too generous...
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